
Pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition. A subject pronoun replaces a noun that performs the action expressed by a verb. Object pronouns are usually found after the verb or after a preposition.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Examples
I Me I have a question. Can you help me?
You You You look hungry. Can I offer you something to eat?
He Him He is very rude. His supervisor should talk to him.
She Her She wants her partner to pick her up from the office.
It It The dog never stops barking. It doesn’t stop it.
We Us We wondered if you would help us with that project.
They Them They prefer employees to speak English to them.

Indefinite pronouns replace undetermined subjects or objects. They are always followed by the third-person singular.

Pronouns Meaning and examples
Someone / somebody / something The lobby has been vandalized. Someone must have seen something!
Anyone / anybody / anything Has anyone heard the fire alarm? I didn’t hear anything.
Everyone / everybody / everything During a fire drill, everyone must leave the building as quickly as possible. Leave everything behind.
No one / nobody / nothing No one knows what happened. People know nothing about it.

Possessive determiners and pronouns express ownership or association.

Possessive determiners Possessive pronouns Examples
My Mine Please be careful when you drive my car.
That black car over there is mine.
Your Yours Can I use your calculator? Yours is more reliable.
His His His bags are all over the lobby. This backpack is also his.
Her Hers Her lipstick is bright red. That one is hers.
Its That hotel has refurbished its rooms.
Our Ours We are packing our suitcases. That pile of clothing is ours.
Their Theirs Most people take their vacation in July or August, but my colleagues take theirs in September.

Working as a team – Grammar